Membership Identification

Type of Credit Requested

Section A - Individual Applicant Information

Personal Information

Current Address

Previous Address

Dependent & Relative Information

Employment Information

Current Employer

Previous Employer

Other Income Sources

Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income need not be revealed if you do not wish to have it considered as a basis for repaying this obligation.

Section B - Joint Applicant or Other Party Information

Complete only if for joint credit, for individual credit relying on income or assets from other sources, or applicant is married and resides in a community property state.

Personal Information

Current Address

Dependent Information

Employment Information

Current Employer

Previous Employer

Other Income Sources

Alimony, child support, or separate maintenance income need not be revealed if you do not wish to have it considered as a basis for repaying this obligation.

Section C - Marital Status

Complete only if: for joint or secured credit, or applicant resides in a community property state, or is relying on property located in such a state as a basis for repayment of the credit requested.

Section D - Asset & Debt Information

If Section B has been completed, this section should be completed giving information about both the Applicant and Joint Applicant or Other Person. If Section B was not completed, only give information about the applicant in this section.

Assets Owned

Outstanding Debts

Section E - Secured Credit

Complete this section only if credit is to be secured. Briefly describe the property to be given as security.

Section F - Credit History

Please answer the following questions for Applicant and Co-Applicant (if applicable). Please provide an explanation for Yes answers.

Applicant Credit History

Co-Applicant Credit History

By clicking Submit below, I certify that everything I have stated in this application is correct. Red River Federal Credit Union may keep this application whether or not it is approved. By submitting this application I authorize Red River Federal Credit Union to check my credit and employment history and to answer questions others may ask Red River Federal Credit Union about my credit record with Red River Federal Credit Union. I understand that I must update credit information at the request of Red River Federal Credit Union if my financial condition changes.