A line of credit is like getting pre-approved for a loan that you can use any time you'd like. Pretty convenient, that's for sure. You only pay interest on what you use, if and when you use it. You can keep re-using the line without re-applying.
- Get pre-approved
- Use as needed
- Pay interest only on what you use
- Can be used as automatic overdraft privilege
- Local service, local decisions
- No need to re-apply
- Low, competitive rates
- Easy application process
- Loan insurance coverage available
Check out our current interest rates.
Credit Life & Disability Insurance
Are you planning for the unexpected?
Credit Life and Disability Insurance
Credit Life and Disability Insurance pays the outstanding balance on your loan up to the maximum program limit, allowing you to preserve your other assets and resources for your family's well-being and long-term needs.
Applying is easy.
- You complete a short application.
- No physical exam is required.
- Simply meet the eligibility requirements.
- The premium is included in your monthly payment.
It's flexible and affordable.
You pay only for what you need. If the outstanding balance is zero, you pay nothing for that month. When there is an outstanding balance, your Credit Life Insurance premium is calculated based on that amount. As your balance is paid down, the premium diminishes, too.
Protecting your rights.
- Your credit approval and interest rate are not contingent on enrolling in this optional program.