Sometimes you need a savings account for something other than your life savings. This account lets you save for a special something, like a vacation or new car. And a lot of folks use it to save for holiday gifts throughout the year, so they can enjoy the season's greetings without the season's stress.
- No monthly service fee
- Earns dividends with balance of $100+
- Only $5 minimum deposit to open
- Unlimited deposits
- Can make monthly deposits by payroll deposit or pre-authorized transfer
- Funds are automatically transferred to your regular savings account on October 1
- Free AD&D insurance (Accidental Death & Dismemberment)
- Free online banking
- Free e-statements available
- Free EZ 4040 telephone banking
- NCUA insured
Withdrawals are not permitted, if you wish to access fund in your Christmas Club account, you may close it. If you close your account, you will forfeit all accrued, uncredited dividends. However, any accrued dividends will be paid if you close the account within seven (7) days of the date you open it.
Dividend rates.
JOIN. Protect. Provide. Three simple words. One great benefit.
Joining our credit union makes you part of our family. And we protect our family members with $1,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance coverage -- at no cost to you.
All you have to do is complete the enrollment form provided to you when you open your account. It's that easy. We understand that you have family members and loved ones to provide for, too. We're happy to extend you the opportunity to better provide for them.
When you submit your no-cost-to-you $1,000 Insurance enrollment form or call 1-877-607-4376 we'll send you information that helps you provide more insurance protection for you and your family.
Minnesota Life